HI, i’m Kate.

I’m Excited you’re here

A little about me...

I love birth. It’s such an amazing thing! no matter how many times I see it, I still can’t believe our bodies are able to do that. Every once in a while, I’ll look at my chunky 8-month-old and just think “how did I ever push you out of my body!?” Some sort of magic the Lord wove into our design is all I can think:)

When I’m not engrossed in birth work, I love to spend time with my family. Spoiling my baby with snuggles (JK you can’t spoil a baby:), roughhouse and/or watch bluey with my two-year-old, cook with my husband, and listen to every book and podcast I can get my hands on, on clean living, women’s health and all things home-remedies. Please reach out for a consult, I’d love to meet you and pray for you as you embark on the incredible journey that is motherhood.

Why I became a doula

Like so many, my passion for birth work started with my own journey as a mother. for me, though, it wasn’t just becoming a mother that sparked it. It was watching my husband become a father and us, just two kids in love, become a family. Alongside the gift of our marriage, the Lord blessing us with our two little boys has been the greatest joy and wildest adventure of our lives. Throughout my pregnancy, I remember actually feeling bad for my husband that he would never get to experience being such an active part of God, bringing new life into our family. (Though he has since told me he’s not overly envious of pregnancy and childbirth.) With my first pregnancy and birth journey came so much encouragement from my husband. He was my rock and, to this day, is my biggest cheerleader. His support through my pregnancies, labors, and births is really what compelled me to explore birth work. Having the support and encouragement you need during labor and birth can make such a huge difference to your birth experience and I really believe that every mother should have that.

Having a baby is such an intimate moment in time for a family. There can be stress (from both mama and dad) about how each of you will handle labor, how well dad will be able to comfort or support in the thick of it and whether mama will feel supported. My hope as a doula is to be able to bridge that gap, to help make sure dad’s efforts are as fruitful for mama as they can be, and to make sure that mama’s unspoken needs are seen.

It’s so important to me, to help you feel in control of your birth experience. TO help ‘enhance your voice’. A woman’s body was designed to carry and birth babies; trust that your body can do this! You were made for this! Having the right support on your birth team is one of the best things you can do to prepare for the joyful, safe, empowering birth you deserve.

my birth philosophy